Land market - railway sector

Famor offers innovative solutions in the field of rolling stock equipment.

Land market - medical sector

Famor offers equipment for healthcare facilities.

Land market - industrial sector

Famor offers modern equipment for industrial and warehouse facilities.

Maritime market

Famor offers comprehensive solutions for electrical equipment
for vessels and drilling rigs.

Innovative solutions for your industry

Our offer includes luminaires with various degrees of protection, using LED technology or traditional light sources,
signaling equipment, LV switchboards, navigation and control panels as well as projectors and floodlights.


Famor is a leading company in the field of industrial lighting solutions and shipbuilding as well as switchgear and signaling equipment

Famor is a market leader in the solutions concerning the industrial and ship's illumination and distribution and signaling apparatus. A quality is strength of our products, Famor from the beginning one's, over 60 of summer activity, pointed the sale to the sea market, where requirements concerning products in the resistance to changeable weather conditions are very high, in relation to the quality we apply the same requirements for all selected groups.

Our offer is very broad and includes products for many economic sectors among others for the sea, building market, of chemical industry and mining, of hospitals and for track and wheeled means of transporting.


Kompleksowe rozwiązania
z dziedziny oświetlenia i wyposażenia elektrycznego


ul. Kaszubska 25

85-048 Bydgoszcz

Tel: + 48 (52) 366-82-02
Fax: + 48 (52) 366-82-03